
Update Address of Registered Business Name within ASIC Connect

Learn how to update the address of your business name within ASIC Connect.

A business name holder is required to keep the details of their business name holder up to date with ASIC. The way to maintain these details is within ASIC Connect.

Follow these instructions to update the details.


Table of Contents

Log into ASIC Connect

Update Business Address for Registered Business Name

Sign up to ASIC Connect (Create an ASIC Connect Account)


Log into ASIC Connect

Business names are regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Business names are registered and managed within ASIC Connect.

To access ASIC Connect, go to

If you have never used ASIC Connect before, you will need to sign up for ASIC Connect access (see instructions at the bottom of this article), otherwise click Log in to access ASIC Connect.

Enter your username (email address) and password then click Log in.

Update Business Address for Registered Business Name

To update the details of a business name connected to your ASIC Connect account, click Business Details at the top of the screen. You should be presented with a list of business names that you can view and update.

Select the business name you wish to update by clicking the circle to the left of the business name.

The details of the business name, including renewal date, addresses, name holder details and representative details will appear below the table.

To update either the address for the service of documents, the principal place of business or the email address, click Change Details under one of the tables of information about that business name.

Again, select the business name that you wish to update by clicking the circle on the left of the relevant name. From the Transactions column, select Change business address from the dropdown list, then click Go.

Edit the address by clicking Edit in the Actions column.

Enter the Effective Date, then update the address, either by using the Select from known address dropdown menu, or by typing the address in the relevant fields.

Click Save Address, confirm the address from the available options, then click Next.

Check the details one final time, then click Submit.

Review and, if appropriate, accept the declarations and authority then click Next.

You can now download and print the details of your transaction, then click Home to exit this screen.

Sign up to ASIC Connect (Create an ASIC Connect Account)

To sign up to ASIC Connect and create an ASIC Connect Account, click Sign Up on the ASIC Connect webpage.

Once you have read the information about ASIC Connect, click Sign Up to continue to create your account.

Enter the relevant details (including email addresspasswordGiven nameFamily nameContact phone numberSecurity question and Security answer.

Confirm you have read and accepted the terms and conditions, then click Create Account.